
Dear Parents With Young Children in Church You are doing something really, really important. I know it’s not easy. I see you with your arms overflowing, and I know you came to church already tired. Parenting is tiring. Really tiring. I watch you bounce and sway trying to keep the baby quiet, juggling the infant carseat and the diaper bag as you find a seat. I see you wince as your child cries. I see you anxiously pull things out of your bag of tricks to try to quiet them…

When Marriage is No Longer Exciting In our always changing, easy to update, quick to replace society, where does the long-lasting investment of marriage fall? How might a worldview that exalts the sweeping, passionate adventure shape our expectations of a covenant promise that remains, even in the dullest years? When we already struggle to make peace with a life that is more ordinary that we had dreamed it might be, how do we respond to marriage…

Faithfulness > Attendance Like all churches, First Pres Homewood still has a ways to go.  But these community dinners are little pictures of the Kingdom of Heaven. Very few of the guests at the community dinners have come to church on Sunday morning.  These events have not boosted the attendance.  On the other hand, they have boosted the faithfulness of the congregation as an outpost of the mission of Jesus Christ…