Untying the Colt
Untie the colt. Jesus tells us this donkey is for us to take – is it? Really? Untie the colt. Is this donkey good enough, is it strong enough, is it appropriate? Untie the colt. We leave too much tied up – it’s time to let it free for Jesus to use. Jesus is coming into Jerusalem as a hero. A celebrity, a favorite teacher, but one whom the people in power dislike because he’s too much of an upstart. They yell and scream and riot, but they’re just looking for excitement. He’s not actually teaching them anything new –…
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Following the Leader
People think Christians hate others: we hate immigrants, we hate lawbreakers (depending on which law), we hate black people, we hate gay people, we hate transgender people, etc. If we don’t say anything to correct that impression, people will assume we’re full of hate. It’s up to us to change the narrative. We have to say that we don’t wish the south had won the war so that we’d still have slavery. We have to say that we don’t think committed monogamous homosexual relationships are sinful. We have to say that we don’t think Native Americans deserve to have their…
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Multilingual Congregations
Since Pentecost is coming up, I thought it would be appropriate to share my honors project from college about multilingual congregations in the PC(USA). It has some particularly interesting things to say about the Tower of Babel story and the Pentecost story (even if it is only an undergraduate work!) Click here to take a look: Multilingual Congregations
Why I Left Your Seeker-Friendly Church
What’s the point of designing your church to seem attractive to those to whom the gospel is unattractive? Is it just to get… [Read More] www.patheos.com/blogs/faithwalkers/2013/08/bill-blankschaen-why-i-left-your-seeker-friendly-church